Publications (since 1997):
- Anderson
D., Hughes J.A., Niżankowska E., Graca B., Cebulska-Wasilewska A.,
Wierzewska A., Kasper E., (1997) Factors Affecting Various Biomarkers
in Untreated Lung Cancer Patients and Healthy Donors, Environm. and
Molec. Mutag. No 2, V.30, 205-216.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Niżankowska E., Anderson D., Wierzewska A., Kasper E., Hughes J.A.,
Graca B., (1997) Environmental Factors Affecting Various Biomarkers in
Human Blood Lymphocytes, Ginekologia Polska 68, Supl. 2, PL ISSN
0017-0011, 154-169.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Kasper E., Wierzewska A., Huiskamp R., Lloyd D., (1997) RBE of 5.6
MeV and Fission Neutrons Assessed from Chromosomal Aberrations in Human
Blood Lymphocytes, Polish Journal of Medical Physics and. Eng. No 1
(7), V.3, 1-9.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Niedźwiedź W., Nowak D., Kasper E., Wierzewska A., Wójcik A.,
Boużyk M., (1998) DNA and Chromosomal Damage Estimate in Blood of
People Suspected of Exposure to Radiation, Nukleonika V.43, No 1,
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., (1998) Comparison between Cytogenetic Damages Induced in vitro
by Environmental Chemicals or Radiation, Journal of Applied Genetics,
V.39A, PL ISSN 1234-1983, 175-176.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Nowak D., Niedźwiedź W., Anderson D., (1998) Correlations between
DNA and Cytogenetic Damage Induced after Chemical Treatment and
Radiation, Mutat. Research 421, 83-91.
- Anderson
D., Hughes J.A., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Niżankowska E., Graca B.,
(1998) Ras p21 Protein Levels in Human Plasma from Patients
with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Compared with Lung
Cancer Patients and Healthy Controls, Mutat. Research 403, 229-235.
- Niedźwiedź
W., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (1998) Evaluation of the Genotoxicity of
Hydrogen Peroxide and Orto-Phenylenediamine Analysed with the
Application of Two Different Detection Systems, Polish Journal of
Medical Physics and. Eng. No 3 (13), V.4, 123-135.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Niedźwiedź W., Wierzewska A., Nowak D., Kasper E., Moszczyński P.,
Żabiński Z., (1999) Monitoring of Molecular and Cytogenetic Damage in
Lymphocytes from Three Persons with Polycystic Disease, Archives of
Medical Research 30, 23-28.
- Anderson
D., Hughes J.A., Brinkworth M.H., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Niżankowska
E., Graca B., Viedebaum T., Peltonen K., Sorsa M., (1999) Examination
of Ras Oncoproteins in Human Plasma from Healthy Controls and
Workers Exposed to Petroleum Emissions, Including Benzene-Related
Compounds, Mutat. Research 445, 167-173.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Rękas K., Kim J.K., (1999) Application of TSH Bioindicator for
Studying the Biological Efficiency of Radiation, Nukleonika, V.44, No
1, 15-30.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Wierzewska A., Niżankowska E., Graca B., Hughes J.A., Anderson D.,
(1999) Cytogenetic Damage and ras p21 Oncoprotein Levels from
Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Untreated
Lung Cancer and Healthy Controls, Mutat. Research 431, 123-131.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Nowak D., Niedźwiedź W., Wagner E.D., Plewa M., (1999) Studies on
the Genotoxic Effects of Aminophenazines Using Two Cellular Models and
Three Different Methods, Mutat. Research 446, 57-65.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Dyga W., Krasnowolski S., Wierzewska A., Budzanowska E., (1999)
Monitoring of DNA and Cytogenetic Damage in Lymphocytes from Persons
with Skin Cancer Disease, Polish Journal of Medical Physics and. Eng.
V. 5, No 4 (18), 187-199.
- Moszczyński P.,
Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Żabiński Z., (1999) Czy wielotorbielowate
zwyrodnienie nerek stanowi czynnik ryzyka zachorowania na nowotwór?,
Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski T.VI., Nr 34, 185-187.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., (1999) Comparison between Cytogenetic Damages Induced in vivo
by Environmental Chemicals and Radiation, Polish Journal of Medical
Physics and. Eng. No 2, V.5, 89-98.
- Dyga
W., Niedźwiedź W., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (1999) Repair of DNA Damage
Induced in UV-Irradiated Human Lymphocytes, Polish Journal of Medical
Physics and. Eng. No 3, V.5, 117-128.
- Kim
W.R., Kim J.K., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (1999) Effect of Photoperiod on
Radiation-Induced Pink Mutations in Tradescantia Stamen Hairs,
Korean Journal of Environ. Biology, V.17, No 3, 331-335.
- Florjan
D., Niedźwiedź W., Schneider K., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (1999) DNA
Damage Analysed with Comet Assay and Aberration Frequency Analysed with
Classical Cytogenetics and FISH after in vitro 252-Californium
Neutron Irradiations of Human Lymphocytes, Neoplasma 46, 88-89.
- Dyga
W., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (1999) Variability in Repair of the DNA
Damage Induced in Human Lymphocytes by X-Rays (Preliminary Data),
Neoplasma 46, 47-49.
- Olko
P., Bakewicz E., Bartyzel M., Bilski P., Byrski E., Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Doruch H., Gajewski J., Hahn-Mendoza G., Ochab E., Petelenz B.,
Taraszkiewicz R., Waligórski M.P.R., (1999) The Hadron Radiotherapy
Centre Project at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in - Progress
Report, Polish Journal of Medical Physics and. Eng. No 3, V.5, 129-140.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Dyga W., Krasnowolski S., Wierzewska A., Budzanowska E., (1999)
Monitoring of DNA and Cytogenetic Damage in Lymphocytes from Patients
with Skin Diseases, Neoplasma, 46, 105.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Schneider K., Capała J., Coderre J., (2000) Biological Efficiency
of the Brookhaven Medical Research Reactor Mixed Neutron Beam Estimated
from Gene Mutations in Tradescantia Stamen Hair Cells Assay,
Nukleonika 45 (2), 115-119.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Schneider K.,
Kim J.K., (2000) Studies on Californium Neutrons Efficiency in the
Induction of Gene Mutation in Normal or Pretreated with Boron ion
Trad-SH Cells, Mutation Research 451, 15-21.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Wierzewska A., Dyga W., Drąg Z., Siffel C, Horvath M., Au W.,
(2000) Induction of DNA and Cytogenetic Damage in Lymphocytes of Polish
Workers Exposed to Pesticides, Central European Journal of Occupational
and Environmental Medicine 6(4) 272-287.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Niedźwiedź W., Florjan D., Wierzewska A., Schneider K., Kopeć M.,
Kreft A.,Efficiency of 252Cf Source in Normal or in B-10
Enriched Lymphocytes Evaluated by SCGE Assay Classical Cytogenetics and
FISH Technique, Nukleonika, 46 (2) (2001) 41-49.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Schneider K., Kim J.K., (2001) Studies on Californium Neutrons
Efficiency in the Induction of Gene Mutations in Normal or Pretreated
with Boron ion Trad-SH Cells, Mutat. Research 474, 57-70.
- Pastor
S., Gutiérrez S., Creus A., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Marcos R., (2001)
Micronuclei in Peripheral Lymphocytes and Buccal Epithelial Cells of
Polish Farmers Exposed to Pesticides, Mutat. Research 495, 147-156.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., (2002) Predictive Assay for
Adverse Health Outcomes in Molecular Epidemiology, Przegląd
Epidemiologiczny, PL ISSN 0033-2100, 56, Supl. 2, 163-175.
- Pastor
S., Creus A., Parron T., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Siffel C., Piperakis
S., Marcos R., (2003) Biomonitoring of Four European Populations
Occupationally Exposed to Pesticides: Use of Micronuclei as Biomarkers,
Mutagenesis V.18, No 3, 249-258.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., (2003) Response to Challenging Dose of X-rays as a Predictive Assay
for Molecular Epidemiology, Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation
Research V.544, Issue 2-3, 289-297.
- Farmer
P.B., Singh R., Kaur B., Sram R.J., Binkova B., Kalina I., Popov T.A.,
Garte S., Taioli E., Gabelova A., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (2003)
Molecular Epidemiology Studies of Carcinogenic Environmental
Pollutants. Effects of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in
Environmental Pollution on Exogenous and Oxidative DNA Damage, Mutation
Research 544, 397-402.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., (2000) Biomarkers: Correlations between DNA and Cytogenetic Damages
Induced in Human Lymphocytes by Radiation and Chemicals. In: Human
Monitoring after Environmental and Occupational Exposure to Chemical
and Physical Agents, Edited by D.Anderson, A.E.Karakaya, R.J.Sram, IOS
Press, Series A: Life Sciences, V.313, 259-267.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A, (2000) Comparison of a Plant Assays and Human Lymphocytes as
Biomarkers of Environmental Pollution, In; Human Monitoring after
Environmental and Occupational Exposure to Chemical and Physical
Agents, Edited by D.Anderson, A.E.Karakaya, R.J.Sram, IOS Press, Series
A: Life Sciences, V.313, 268-277.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (2003)
Zastosowanie badań radiacyjnych w Instytucie Fizyki Jądrowej w Krakowie
w biologii i ochronie środowiska. Z Dziejów Polskich Badań nad
Oddziaływaniem Promieniowania z Materią. Wspomnienia pod redakcją Prof.
Jerzego Kroh, Łódź, ISBN 83-89003-81-3, 243-262.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., (2003) Predictive Assay for Adverse Health Outcomes in Molecular
Epidemiology, Molecular Epidemiology in Preventive Medicine, Editors:
W.A.Jędrychowski, et al., ISBN 83-904896-5-1, 149-162.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., (2003) Extrapolation from High to Low Doses or Exposures -
Implications for Predictive Assays, in: Human Monitoring for Genetic
Effects, Edited by A.Cebulska-Wasilewska, W.W.Au, R.J.Sram, IOS Press,
NATO Science Series, Series I: Life and Behavioural Sciences, V.351,
ISSN 1566-7693, 24-35.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Wierzewska A., Kasper E., Żabiński Z., Moszczyński P., (2003)
Cytogenetic Damage in Lymphocytes of Donors Occupationally Exposed to
Mercury Vapours, in: Human Monitoring for Genetic Effects, Edited by
A.Cebulska-Wasilewska, W.W.Au, R.J.Sram, IOS Press, NATO Science
Series, Series I: Life and Behavioural Sciences, V.351, ISSN 1566-7693,
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., (2003) Application of a Challenging Dose as a Predictive Assay in
Molecular Epidemiology, in: Human Monitoring for Genetic Effects,
Edited by A.Cebulska-Wasilewska, W.W.Au, R.J.Sram, IOS Press, NATO
Science Series, Series I: Life and Behavioural Sciences, V.351, ISSN
1566-7693, 159-173.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Marcos R., Piperakis S., Siffel C., Drąg Z., Dyga W., Krasnowolski
S., Panek A., Pawłyk I., Niedźwiedź W., (2003) Studies on the Influence
of Occupational Exposure to Pesticides in Various Countries on the
Susceptibility and Repair Capacity of UV Induced Damage, in: Human
Monitoring for Genetic Effects, Edited by A.Cebulska-Wasilewska,
W.W.Au, R.J.Sram, IOS Press, NATO Science Series, Series I: Life and
Behavioural Sciences, V.351, ISSN 1566-7693, 186-197.
- Dyga
W., Drąg Z., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (2003) The Influence of the
Occupational Exposure to Pesticides on the Level of DNA Damage Induced
in Human Lymphocytes (Polish Group) by UV-C and X-rays, in: Human
Monitoring for Genetic Effects, Edited by A.Cebulska-Wasilewska,
W.W.Au, R.J.Sram, IOS Press, NATO Science Series, Series I: Life and
Behavioural Sciences, V.351, ISSN 1566-7693, 198-213.
- Niedźwiedź
W., Piperakis S., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (2003) Influence of
Occupational Exposure to Pesticides on Susceptibility to the Induction
of DNA Damage Studied with Comet Assay and Challenging Dose, in: Human
Monitoring for Genetic Effects, Edited by A.Cebulska-Wasilewska,
W.W.Au, R.J.Sram, IOS Press, NATO Science Series, Series I: Life and
Behavioural Sciences, V.351, ISSN 1566-7693, 214-223.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Plewa M.,
(2003) Short-Term Bioassay Based on Gene Mutations Level in Tradescantia Cells (Trad-SH),
Bioassays in Plant Cells for Improvement of Ecosystem and Human
Health. A Course Manual, Eds. J.Małuszyńska and M.Plewa, 31-38.
- Kim
J.K., Shin H.S., Lee J.H., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (2003) Detection of
Environmental Mutagen with Tradescantia Micronucleus
Assay and Chemical Analysis, Bioassays in Plant Cells for Improvement
of Ecosystem and Human Health. A Course Manual, Eds. J.Małuszyńska and
M.Plewa, 61-74.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., (2003) Gene Mutation Frequency in Tradescantia
Stamen Hairs Trad_SH Assay, Bioassays in Plant Cells
for Improvement of Ecosystem and Human Health. A Course Manual, Eds. I.
Małuszyńska and M.Plewa, 107-114.
Short and other articles:
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (1997)
Skutki biologiczne ekspozycji na radon i produkty jego rozpadu.
Materiały XVII Szkoły PTBR, Zakopane, ISBN-83-904678-2-3, 70-81.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (2000)
Czy dokonana metodą kometową ocena podatności osobniczej na
promieniowanie i efektywności procesów naprawy indukowanych uszkodzeń
DNA będzie pomocna w prognostyce przedklinicznej, Postępy Techniki
Jądrowej, V.43, Z.1, ISSN 0551-6846, 5-14.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Wiecheć A., Pawłyk I., Binkova B., Sram R.J., Farmer P.B., (2002)
Influence of Occupational Exposure to PAHs on Lymphocytes
Susceptibility to the Induction of DNA Damage, Polish Journal of
Environmental Studies, ISSN 1230-1485, V.11, Supl. II, 42-45.
- Wiecheć
A., Pietrzyk J.J., Krzykwa B., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (2002)
Application of SCGE Assay in Studies on Kinetics of X-Ray Induced DNA
Damage Repair in Lymphocytes of Infant Born with Mediastinal Immature
Teratoma and Healthy Adults, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies,
ISSN 1230-1485, V.11, Supl. II, 62-65.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Wierzewska A., Kasper E., Żabiński Z., Moszczyński P., (2002)
Cytogenetic Damage Detected in Lymphocytes of Occupationally Exposed to
Mercury Vapours Donors, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, ISSN
1230-1485, V.11, Supl. II, 73-75.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Marcos R., Piperakis S., Siffel C., Drąg Z., Dyga W., Krasnowolski
S., Panek A., Pawłyk I., Niedźwiedź W., (2002) Influence of
Occupational Exposure to Pesticides on the Susceptibility and Repair
Capacity of UV Induced Damage, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies,
ISSN 1230-1485, V.11, Supl. II, 86-89.
- Dyga
W., Drąg Z., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (2002) The Influence of
Occupational Exposure to Pesticides on the Level of DNA Damage Induced
in Human Lymphocytes (Polish Group) by UV-C and X-rays, Polish Journal
of Environmental Studies, ISSN 1230-1485, V.11, Supl. II (2002) 90-93.
- Panek
A., Marcos R., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (2002) Monitoring of Genotoxic
Effects in Lymphocytes of People Exposed to Pesticides, Polish Journal
of Environmental Studies, ISSN 1230-1485, V.11, Supl. II, 95-97.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Wiecheć A., Pawłyk I., Binkova B.,
Sram R.J., Farmer P.B., (2003) Influence of Occupational Exposure to
PAHs on the Induction and Repair of DNA Damage Induced by
Challenging Dose and Evaluated by the Alkaline Version of the
SCGE Assay, in: Human Monitoring for Genetic Effects, Edited by
A. Cebulska-Wasilewska, W.W. Au., R.J. Sram, IOS Press, NATO Science
Series, Series I: Life and Behavioural Sciences, V.351, ISSN 1566-7693,
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., (1997) Radioactivity: The Risks and Hopes of Maria
Skłodowska-Curie, 130th Anniversay of the Birth of Maria
Skłodowska?Curie, 100 Years since the Discovery of Polonium and Radium,
INP Report 1762/B, 3-6 .
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Wierzewska A., Kasper E., (1997) Influence of Benzene and Benzene
Related Compounds on Cytogenetic Damage in Human Blood Lymphocytes
(Polish Workers), in: Ed. A.Carrere, R.Crebelli "Biomonitoring of human
populations exposed to petroleum fuels with special consideration of
the role of benzene as a genotoxic component". Report of the EC
Environmental Programme Project EV5V-CT92-0221. Instituto Superiore di
Sanita, Serie Relazioni, ISSN 0394-9311, 97/4, 68-77.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Kim J.K., (1998) KAERI-INP Joint Research for Science and
Technology Cooperation, Application of Tradescantia
Bioindicator for Studying the Biological Efficiency of Neutrons from
Cf-252, KAERI/TR-955/98, 4-32.
- Dyga
W., Niedźwiedź W., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (1999) Repair Studies in
vitro of the DNA Damage Induced in Human Lymphocytes Irradiated by
UV, IFJ, Raport No 1831/B, 4-11.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., (1999) Cytogenetic Damages Induced in vivo in Human
Lymphocytes by Environmental Chemicals or Radiation, IFJ, Raport No
1831/B, 12-20.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Dyga W., Krasnowolski S., Wierzewska A., Budzanowska E., (1999)
Monitoring of DNA and Cytogenetic Damage in Lymphocytes from Persons
with Skin Cancer Diseases, IFJ, Raport No 1831/B, 21-32.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Dyga W., Budzanowska E., (1999) DNA Damages Induced in Human
Lymphocytes by UV or X-rays and Repair Capacities of Healthy Donors and
Skin Cancer Patients, IFJ, Raport No 1831/B, 33-48.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Drąg Z., Kasper E., Dyga W., Wierzewska A., (1999) Monitoring of
Genotoxic Effects in Lymphocytes of People Exposed to Pesticides
(Polish Group), IFJ, Raport No 1831/B 49-60.
- Florjan
D., Niedźwiedź W., Schneider K., Kreft A., Cebulska-Wasilewska A.,
(1999) Application of SCGE Assay, Classical Cytogenetics and Fish for
Studying in vitro Californium-252 Neutrons Irradiations and BSH
Pretreatment on Human Lymphocytes, IFJ, Raport No 1831/B, 61-74.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., (1999) Biomarkers of Environmental Genotoxicity: Comparison of
Genetic Damage Induced in Trad-SH Cells and Human Lymphocytes, IFJ,
Raport No 1831/B, 75-84.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Dyga W., (1999) Variability in the Repair of UV Induced DNA Damage
in Lymphocytes from Unexposed and Exposed to Pesticides Group, IFJ,
Raport No 1831/B, 85-92.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Marcos R.,
Siffel C., Piperakis S., (2000) Monitoring of Genotoxic Effects in
Lymphocytes of People Exposed to Pesticides, Report INP, Kraków No
1845/B “Influence of Occupational Exposure to Pesticides on Lymphocytes
Responses to Environmental and UV”, 3-14.
- Niedźwiedź W., Piperakis S.,
Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (2000) An Initial DNA Damage and the Repair
Efficiency of UV Induces Damages Estimated by SCGE Assay in Lymphocytes
from Occupationally Exposed to Pesticides and Reference Group from
Greece, Report INP, Kraków No 1845/B “Influence of Occupational
Exposure to Pesticides on Lymphocytes Responses to Environmental and
UV”, 15-24.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Panek A.,
Dyga W., Marcos R., (2000) Studies of Variability in Response to UV in
Lymphocytes of People Exposed to Pesticides and Reference Group from
Spain, Report INP, Kraków No 1845/B “Influence of Occupational Exposure
to Pesticides on Lymphocytes Responses to Environmental and UV”, 25-38.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Dyga W.,
Wierzewska A., Drąg Z., Siffel C., Horvath M., Au W., (2000) Monitoring
of Occupational Exposure to Pesticides (Polish group), Report INP,
Kraków No 1845/B “Influence of Occupational Exposure to Pesticides on
Lymphocytes Responses to Environmental and UV”, 39-54.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Dyga W., Drąg
Z., (2000) Variability in the Susceptibility to UV Induced DNA Damage
and Repair Capacity Observed in Lymphocytes from Unexposed and Exposed
to Pesticides Polish Donors, Report INP, Kraków No 1845/B “Influence of
Occupational Exposure to Pesticides on Lymphocytes Responses to
Environmental and UV”, 55-70.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Dyga W.,
Krasnowolski S., Florjan D., Siffel C., (2000) Variability in the Level
of UV Induced DNA Damage in Lymphocytes from Unexposed and Exposed to
Pesticides Donors from Hungary, Report INP, Kraków No 1845/B “Influence
of Occupational Exposure to Pesticides on Lymphocytes Responses to
Environmental and UV”, 71-85.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Niedźwiedź W., Wierzewska A., Capała J., Coderre J.A., (2000)
Biological Efficiency of the Therapeutic Neutron on DNA and Cytogenetic
Damage in the Presence and Absence of 10B, Report INP,
Kraków No 1869/B, 1-10,
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Niedźwiedź W., Florjan D., Schneider K., Wierzewska A., (2000)
Biological Efficiency of Californium-252 Source Evaluated by Comet
Assay, Classical Cytogenetics and Fish in Human Lymphocytes Irradiated
without and with BSH Pretreatment, Report INP, Kraków No 1867/B, 1-15,
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Dyga W., Pawłyk I., Panek A., (2000) The Biological Efficiency of
the Petten Research Reactor beam on Human Lymphocytes (Methodological
approach), Report INP, Kraków No 1868/B, 1-13.
- Niedźwiedź
W., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (2000) DNA Damage Induction and Repair
Evaluated in Human Lymphocytes Irradiated with X-rays and Neutrons,
Report INP, Kraków No 1866/B, 1-11.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Panek A., Dyga W., Wierzewska A., Kasper E., Żabiński Z.,
Moszczyński P., (2000) Genotoxic Damage in vivo,
Susceptibility to UVC and X-rays, and Repair Efficiency in
vitro Lymphocytes from Referent and Occupational Exposed to Mercury
Vapours Group, Report INP, Kraków No 1870/B, 1-18.
- Żabiński
Z., Panek A., Wierzewska A., Kasper E., Dyga W., Moszczyński P.,
Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (2001) Influence of Occupational Exposure
to Mercury Vapours on Lymphocytes Susceptibility to the Induction of
Genetic Damage, Report INP, Kraków No 1892/B, 1-14.
Scientific project reports:
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Influence of Occupational Exposure to Pesticides on Susceptibility
Repair Capacity of UV Induced Damage Evaluated for Lymphocytes of
Donors from
Various Countries, Pesticide Effects on Humans, FINAL REPORT Associate Contract No:
(DG12-NNAE) (2000).
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A.,
Badania Skuteczności Biologicznej Promieniowania o Wysokim LET, na
Neutronów Różnych Energii, Grant No: KBN No 6 P04A 051 12, Raport
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., In vitro Studies on
Biological Effectiveness of Therapeutic Neutron Beams in the Presence of 10B” - Badania Modelowe Skuteczności
Neutronowych Wiązek Terapeutycznych w Obecności 10B, FINAL REPORT – Raport końcowy,
Fundacja Marii
Skłodowskiej-Curie PAA/NIH-97-308 (2001).
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
Effects of PAHs in
Environmental Pollution on Exogenous and Endogenous DNA Damage, Final
EXPAX QLK4-CT-2000-00091 (2003).
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Skutki Poliaromatycznych Węglowodorów ze Skażeń Środowiskowych w
Egzogennych oraz Endogennych Uszkodzeniach DNA, No:
620/E-77/SPUB-M/5.PRUE/DZ/ 74/2001-2003, Raport końcowy (2003).
Abstracts, proceedings:
- Niedźwiedź
W., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Repair of DNA after Irradiation with
Various Type of Radiation. Conference on Mechanisms of DNA Repair and
Mutagenesis, on the 100th Anniversary of the Discovery of Polonium and
Radium, Warszawa, Poland, 8-11 October 1997.
- Moszczyński P., Żabiński Z.,
Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Niedźwiedź W., Wierzewska A., Nowak D., Kasper
E., Analiza molekularnych i cytogenetycznych uszkodzeń w limfocytach 3
osób z wielotorbielowatym zwyrodnieniem nerek. X Konferencja
Naukowo-Szkoleniowa Polskiego Towarzystwa Nefrologicznego, Tarnów,
Polska, 31 sierpień - 2 wrzesień 1997.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A.,
Comparison between Cytogenetic Damages Induced in vivo by
Environmental Chemicals or Radiation; XI Zjazd PTFM, "Fizyka i
inżynieria we współczesnej medycynie i ochronie zdrowia", 4-5 luty
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A. Dyga W.,
Krasnowolski S., Wierzewska A., Budzanowska E., Monitoring of DNA and
Cytogenetic Damage in Lymphocytes from Skin Cancer Diseases; XI Zjazd
PTFM, "Fizyka i inżynieria we współczesnej medycynie i ochronie
zdrowia", 4-5 luty 1999.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Rękas
K., Capała J., Corderre J.A., Biological Efficiency of Fission Neutrons
Estimated from Gene Mutations in TSH Assay; XI Zjazd PTFM, "Fizyka i
inżynieria we współczesnej medycynie i ochronie zdrowia", 4-5 luty
- Dyga
W., Niedźwiedź W., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Repair of the DNA Damage
Induced in UV- Irradiated Human Lymphocytes. XI Zjazd PTFM,
"Fizyka i inżynieria we współczesnej medycynie i ochronie zdrowia", 4-5
luty 1999.
- Florjan
D., Niedźwiedź W., Schneider K., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., DNA Damage
Analysed with Comet Assay and Aberration Frequency Analysed with
Classical Cytogenetics and FISH after in vitro 252-Californium
Neutron Irradiations of Human Lymphocytes; Comet Assay Workshop,
Smolenice, Slovakia, May 29 - June 2 1999.
- Dyga
W., Niedźwiedź W., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Repair of the DNA Damage
Induced in UV-Irradiated Human Lymphocytes; Comet Assay Workshop,
Smolenice, Slovakia, May 29 - June 2 1999.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Dyga W., Krasnowolski S., Wierzewska A., Budzanowska E., Comet
Assay Workshop, Smolenice, Slovakia, May 29 - June 2 1999.
- Kim
J.K., Park T.W., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Radiomodifying Effect of Boron
and Gadolinium Compounds in Human Peripheral Lymphocytes Evaluated by
the Comet Assay, Proc. of the KARP Autumm Meeting Taegu, Korea, October
1999, p. 41-45.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Biomarkers:
Correlations between DNA and Cytogenetic Damages Induced by
Environmental Chemicals or Radiation, International Conference
Environmental Factors Related to Allergic Diseases in Childhood,
Kraków, Poland, May 17-18, 2000, p. L-3.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A., DNA and
Cytogenetic Damages in Human Monitoring Studies, 30th Annual
Meeting of European Environmental Mutagen Society, Budapest, Hungary,
August 22-26, 2000, p. 37.
- Dyga W., Cebulska-Wasilewska A.,
Budzanowska E., Comparison of the DNA Damages Induced in Lymphocytes by
UV or X-Rays and Repair Capacities of Healthy Donors and Skin Cancer
Patients, 30th Annual Meeting of European Environmental
Mutagen Society, Budapest, Hungary, August 22-26, 2000, p. 132.
- Siffel C., Horvath M., Michels M.,
Tomcsik M., Metneki J., Tulipan S., Toth S., Molnar G.,
Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Marcos R., Piperakis S., Chromosomal
Aberrations and Sister Chromatid Exchanges in Lymphocytes of Pesticide
Users in Four European Countries, 30th Annual Meeting of
European Environmental Mutagen Society, Budapest, Hungary, August
22-26, 2000, p. 122.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Biomarkers: Correlation between DNA and Cytogenetic Damage Induced
in Human Lymphocytes by Radiation or Chemicals, Abstr. of European
Radiation Research 2000, 30th Ann. Meeting of the European
Soc. for Radiation Biology, Warszawa, Poland, 27-31 August 2000, p. 20.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Dyga W., Panek A., Wierzewska A., Drąg Z., Żabiński Z., Moszczyński
P., Comparison of Genotoxic Damage and Repair Efficiency of UV- or
X-Rays Induced DNA Damage in Lymphocytes from Unexposed and
Occupationally Exposed to Mercury Donors, Abstr. of European Radiation
Research 2000, 30th Ann. Meeting of the European Soc. for
Radiation Biology, Warszawa, Poland, 27-31 August 2000, p. 30.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Dyga W., Variability in the Repair of UV Induced DNA Damage in
Lymphocytes from Unexposed and Exposed to Pesticides Group, Abstr. of
European Radiation Research 2000, 30th Ann. Meeting of the
European Soc. for Radiation Biology, Warszawa, Poland, 27-31 August
2000, p. 29.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Niedźwiedź W., Wierzewska A., Efficiency of Therapeutic Beam from
Epithermal Neutron Port of the Brookhaven Med. Res. Reactor Estimated
from Chromosome Aberrations Induced in Human Lymphocytes in Presence
and Absence of Abstr. of European Radiation Research 2000, 30th
Ann. Meeting of the European Soc. for Radiation Biology, Warszawa,
Poland, 27-31 August 2000, p. 41.
- Niedźwiedź
W., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Piperakis S., Initial DNA Damage and the
Repair Efficiency of UV Induced Damage Estimated by the SCGE Assay in
Lymphocytes from Occupationally Exposed to Pesticides and Reference
Group from Greece, Abstr. of European Radiation Research 2000, 30th
Ann. Meeting of the European Soc. for Radiation Biology, Warszawa,
Poland, 27-31 August 2000, p. 17.
- Panek
A., Krasnowolski S., Florjan D., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Monitoring of
DNA Damage and Repair Capacities in Human Lymphocytes from Spanish and
Hungarian Groups, Abstr. of European Radiation Research 2000, 30th
Ann. Meeting of the European Soc. for Radiation Biology, Warszawa,
Poland, 27-31 August 2000, p. 31.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Marcos R., Piperakis S., Siffel C., Comparison of Influences of the
Occupational Exposures to Pesticides on Susceptibility to UV and Repair
Capabilities Detected in Lymphocytes from Various Countries Donors,
Abstr. of Workshop "Assessment of Occupational and Environmental
Exposure to Genotoxic Substances - a Methodological Approach", Ustroń,
Poland, (2000) p. 73.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Niedźwiedź W., Wierzewska A., Kopeć M., Kreft A., Molecular and
Cytogenetic Markers of Ionizing Radiation (X-Rays and Neutrons), Abstr.
of Workshop "Assessment of Occupational and Environmental Exposure to
Genotoxic Substances - a Methodological Approach", Ustroń, Poland,
(2000) p. 75.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Panek A., Żabiński Z., Moszczyński P., Susceptibility and Repair
Efficiency of X-Rays or UV Induced Damage Evaluated for Lymphocytes
from Donors Exposed to Mercury Vapors, Abstr. of Workshop "Assessment
of Occupational and Environmental Exposure to Genotoxic Substances - a
Methodological Approach", Ustroń, Poland, (2000) p. 77.
- Kim J.K., Cebulska-Wasilewska A.,
Radioresponse in Human Lymphocytes Pretreated with 10B and 157Gd
Compounds as Assessed by the Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis.
International Conference on Radiation and its Role in Diagnosis and
Treatment, FICR , October 18-20 2000 p. 89.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Prognostic Value of the Susceptibility to X-Rays and Repair
Efficiency of Induced DNA Damage Evaluated by SCGE Assay, Abstr. in:
Cell. Mol. Biol. Lett. 6 (3A) (2001) p. 774.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Panek A., Dyga W., Żabiński Z., Moszczyński P., Susceptibility to
UV-C and X-Rays and Repair Capacity Evaluated in Lymphocytes from
Unexposed and Exposed to Mercury Vapours Donors, Scientific Quarterly
Devoted to Problems of Histochemistry, Cytochemistry and Cell and
Tissue Biology in Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica, V. 39, Suppl. 1
(2001) p. 38.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Wiecheć
A., Dyga W., Panek A., Pawłyk I., Genotoxicity of Various Agents
Evaluated by a Comet Assay (Critical Approach), Scientific Quarterly
Devoted to Problems of Histochemistry, Cytochemistry and Cell and
Tissue Biology in Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica V. 39, Suppl. 1 (2001) p. 37.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Dyga W., Niedźwiedź W., Panek A., Krasnowolski S., Marcos R.,
Siffel C., Piperakis S., Comparison between Influence of Occupational
Exposure to Pesticides in Various Countries on Susceptibility and
Repair Capacity of UV Induced Damage, International Comet Assay
Workshop, Ulm, Germany, 22-24 July 2001, p. 22.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Panek A., Dyga W., Żabiński Z., Moszczyński P., Susceptibility to
UV-C and X-Rays and Repair Capacity Evaluated in Lymphocytes from
Unexposed and Exposed to Mercury Vapours Donors, International Comet Assay
Workshop, Ulm, Germany, 22-24 July 2001, p. 21.
- Kim
J.K., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Radioresponse in Human Lymphocytes
Pretreated with 10B and 157Gd Compounds as
Assessed by the Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis, International Comet
Assay Workshop, Ulm, Germany, 22-24 July 2001, p. 48.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Wierzewska A., Żabiński Z., Moszczyński P., Studies of
Occupational Exposure to Mercury Vapours Influence on the Levels of
Cytogenetic Damage Detected in Lymphocytes, 8th International Conference on
Environmental Mutagens, 21-26 October 2001, Shizuoka, Japan in:
Mutation Research 483 Suppl. 1 (2001) 5F-5,
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A.,
Prognostyczna i diagnostyczna przydatność oceny osobniczej podatności i
efektywności procesów naprawy uszkodzeń radiacyjnych DNA, Materiały XII
Zjazdu Polskiego Towarzystwa Badań Radiacyjnych, Kraków, 10-12 września
2001, ISBN 83-908998-3-3, p. 57.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Panek
A., Marcos R., Monitoring efektów genotoksycznych w limfocytach ludzi
zawodowo eksponowanych na pestycydy (grupa hiszpańska), Materiały XII
Zjazdu Polskiego Towarzystwa Badań Radiacyjnych, Kraków, 10-12 września
2001, ISBN 83-908998-3-3, p. 161.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A.,
Wierzewska A., Capała J., Niedźwiedź W., Skuteczność biologiczna
terapeutycznej wiązki neutronów reaktora MRR-BNL, Materiały XII Zjazdu
Polskiego Towarzystwa Badań Radiacyjnych, Kraków, 10-12 września 2001,
ISBN 83-908998-3-3, p. 160.
- Dyga W., Cebulska-Wasilewska A.,
Zróżnicowanie zdolności naprawczych uszkodzeń DNA indukowanych
promieniowaniem X oraz UV-C w limfocytach osób eksponowanych zawodowo
na pestycydy, Materiały XII Zjazdu Polskiego Towarzystwa Badań
Radiacyjnych, Kraków, 10-12 września 2001, ISBN 83-908998-3-3, p. 77.
- Panek A., Kim J.K.,
Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Badania in vitro naprawy
uszkodzeń DNA indukowanych promieniowaniem X w komórkach eksponowanych
na rtęć, Materiały XII Zjazdu Polskiego Towarzystwa Badań Radiacyjnych,
Kraków, 10-12 września 2001, ISBN 83-908998-3-3, p. 79.
- Pawłyk I., Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Skuteczność promieniowania X w komórkach somatycznych roślin Tradescantia rozmnażanych in vitro,
Materiały XII Zjazdu Polskiego Towarzystwa Badań Radiacyjnych, Kraków,
10-12 września 2001, ISBN 83-908998-3-3, p. 167.
- Walus E., Kapiszewska M.,
Balana-Nowak A., Wolska-Smoleń T., Skotnicki A., Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Wpływ chemioterapii na promieniowrażliwość limfocytów pacjenta z
przewlekłą białaczką limfatyczną (CLL-B type), Materiały XII Zjazdu
Polskiego Towarzystwa Badań Radiacyjnych, Kraków, 10-12 września 2001,
ISBN 83-908998-3-3, p. 158.
- Wiecheć A., Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Zależność dawka-efekt dla promieniowania X oznaczana metodą
kometową – ocena powtarzalności testu, Materiały XII Zjazdu Polskiego
Towarzystwa Badań Radiacyjnych, Kraków, 10-12 września 2001, ISBN
83-908998-3-3, p. 75.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Extrapolation from High to Low Doses or Exposures, NATO Advanced
Research Workshop Human Monitoring for Genetic Effects, June 23-27,
2002, Kraków, Poland, ISBN 83-908998-4-1, p. 38.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., (2002) Predictive Assay for
Adverse Health Outcomes in a Molecular Epidemiology, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, ISSN
1230-1485, V.11, Supl. II, p. 38-39.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., (2002) Extrapolation from High to Low Doses or Exposures, Polish
Journal of Environmental Studies, ISSN 1230-1485, V.11, Supl. II, p. 18.
- Niedźwiedź
W., Piperakis S., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (2002) Influence of
Occupational Exposure to Pesticides on Susceptibility to the
Introduction of DNA Damage Studied with Comet Assay and Challenging
Dose, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, ISSN 1230-1485, V.11,
Supl. II, p. 94.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Challenging Dose as a Predictive Assay for Molecular Epidemiology,
NATO Advanced Research Workshop Human Monitoring for Genetic Effects,
June 23-27, 2002, Kraków, Poland, ISBN 83-908998-4-1, p. 40.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Dyga W., Niedźwiedź W., Panek A., Krasnowolski S., Marcos R.,
Siffel C., Piperakis S., Comparison between Influence of Occupational
Exposure to Pesticides on Susceptibility and Repair Capacity of UV
Induced Damage in Lymphocytes of Donors from Various Countries, NATO
Advanced Research Workshop Human Monitoring for Genetic Effects, June
23-27, 2002, Kraków, Poland, ISBN 83-908998-4-1, p. 47-48.
- Dyga
W., Drąg Z., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., An Influence of Occupational
Exposure to Pesticides on the Level of DNA Damage Induced in Human
Lymphocytes (Polish group) by UVC and X-Rays, NATO Advanced Research
Workshop Human Monitoring for Genetic Effects, June 23-27, 2002,
Kraków, Poland, ISBN 83-908998-4-1, p. 57.
- Niedźwiedź
W., Piperakis S., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Influence of Occupational
Exposure to Pesticides on Susceptibility to the Induction of DNA Damage
Studied with Comet Assay and Challenging Dose (a Greek group), NATO
Advanced Research Workshop Human Monitoring for Genetic Effects, June
23-27, 2002, Kraków, Poland, ISBN 83-908998-4-1, p. 66.
- Panek
A., Dyga W., Marcos R., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Monitoring of Genotoxic
Effects in Lymphocytes of People Exposed to Pesticides (a Spanish
group), NATO Advanced Research Workshop Human Monitoring for Genetic
Effects, June 23-27, 2002, Kraków, Poland, ISBN 83-908998-4-1, p. 67.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Wiecheć A., Pawłyk I., Swakoń J., Binkova B., Sram R.J., Farmer
P.B., Influence of Occupational Exposure to PAHs on the Induction and
Repair of DNA Damage Induced by Challenging Dose and Evaluated by the
Alkaline Version of the SCGE Assay, NATO Advanced Research Workshop
Human Monitoring for Genetic Effects, June 23-27, 2002, Kraków, Poland,
ISBN 83-908998-4-1, p. 77-78.
- Wiecheć
A., Pietrzyk J.J., Krzykwa B., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Application of
SCGE Assay in Studies on Kinetics of X-Ray Induced DNA Damage Repair in
Lymphocytes of Infant Born with Mediastinal Immature Teratoma and
Healthy Adults, NATO Advanced Research Workshop Human Monitoring for
Genetic Effects, June 23-27, 2002, Kraków, Poland, ISBN 83-908998-4-1,
p. 79-80.
- Wierzewska
A., Kasper E., Żabiński Z., Moszczyński P., Cebulska-Wasilewska A.,
Cytogenetic Damage Detected in Lymphocytes of Occupationally Exposed to
Mercury Vapours Donors, NATO Advanced Research Workshop Human
Monitoring for Genetic Effects, June 23-27, 2002, Kraków, Poland, ISBN
83-908998-4-1, p. 81.
- Pastor
S., Creus A., Parron T., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Siffel C., Piperakis
S., Marcos R., Micronuclei Biomonitoring of Four European Populations
Occupationally Exposed to Pesticides, 32nd Annual Meeting of
European Environmental Mutagen Society, “DNA Damage and Repair
Fundamental Aspects and Contribution to Human Disorders”, September
3-7, 2002, Warsaw, Poland, ISBN 83-917432-2-5, p. 205.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Wiecheć A., Pawłyk I., Binkova B., Sram R.J., Farmer P.B.,
Influence of Occupational Exposure to PAHs on the Induction and Repair
of DNA Damage Induced by Challenging Dose and Evaluated by the Alkaline
Version of the SCGE Assay, 32nd Annual Meeting of European
Environmental Mutagen Society, “DNA Damage and Repair Fundamental
Aspects and Contribution to Human Disorders”, September 3-7, 2002,
Warsaw, Poland, ISBN 83-917432-2-5, p. 206.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A.,
Biomarkery w ocenie ryzyka chorób zawodowych, XIX Szkoła Jesienna
Polskiego Towarzystwa Badań Radiacyjnych im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie
pt.: „Promieniowanie jonizujące w medycynie. Narażenie i ochrona
pacjenta, kontrola jakości, przepisy prawne”, Materiały Konferencyjne,
Zakopane 14-18 października 2002 (2002) p. 59-73.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Wiecheć A., Kukiełczak B., Pawłyk I. Binkova B., Sram R.J., Farmer
P.B., Influence of Occupational Exposure to PAHs on Lymphocytes
Susceptibility to the Induction of DNA Damage, Conference „Molecular
Epidemiology in Preventive Medicine, Achievements and New Challenges”,
June 20-22, 2002, CM UJ, Kraków, Poland, p. 92-93.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Predictive Assay for Adverse Health Outcomes in Molecular
Epidemiology, Conference „Molecular Epidemiology in Preventive
Medicine, Achievements and New Challenges”, 20-22 June 2002, CM UJ,
Kraków, p. 22-23.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Human Lymphocytes Response to Challenging Dose as a Predictive
Assay of Adverse Health Outcomes, PAEMS Fourth International Meeting
PAEMS’ 2003, “Child Health and the Environmental Mutagens”, 2-7 March
2003, Dal El Diafa – Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egipt, p. 34-35.
- Panek
A., Dyga W., Marcos R., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (2003) Monitoring of
Genotoxic Effects in Lymphocytes of People Exposed to Pesticides (a
Spanish Group), in: Human Monitoring for Genetic Effects, Edited by
A.Cebulska-Wasilewska, W.W.Au, R.J.Sram, IOS Press, NATO Science
Series, Series I: Life and Behavioural Sciences, V.351, ISSN 1566-7693,
p. 224.
- Wiecheć
A., Pietrzyk J.J., Krzykwa B., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., (2003)
Application of SCGE Assay in Studies on Kinetics of X-ray Induced DNA
Damage Repair in Lymphocytes of Infant Born with Mediastinal Immature
Teratoma and Healthy Adults, in: Human Monitoring for Genetic Effects,
Edited by A.Cebulska-Wasilewska, W.W.Au, R.J.Sram, IOS Press, NATO
Science Series, Series I: Life and Behavioural Sciences, V.351, ISSN
1566-7693, p. 271-272.
- Farmer
P.B., Sram R.J., Kalina I., Popov T.A., Garte S., Taioli E., Gabelova
A., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Molecular Epidemiology Studies of
Carcinogenetic Environmental Pollutants. Effects of Polycyclic Aromatic
Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Environmental Pollution on Exogenous and
Oxidative DNA Damage, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Vol. 26, No 2,
Suppl., June 2003, ISSN 1415-4757, 4th International
Conference on Environmental Mutagens in Human Populations, 4-8 May
2003, Florianopolis-SC., Brasil, p. 19.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Human Lymphocytes Response to Challenging Dose as a Predictive
Assay for Molecular Epidemiology Studies, Genetics and Molecular
Biology, Vol. 26, No 2, Suppl., June 2003, ISSN 1415-4757, 4th
International Conference on Environmental Mutagens in Human
Populations, 4-8 May 2003, Florianopolis-SC., Brasil, p. 60.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Response to Challenging Dose of X-Rays as a Predictive Assay for
Molecular Epidemiology, 12th International Congress of
Radiation Research, 17-22 August 2003, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia,
p. 199.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Confounding Factors Iinfluence Lymphocyte Susceptibility to the
Induction of DNA Damage, Proceedings of ICMAA-VIII, Eight International
Conference on Mechanisms of Antimutagenesis and Anticarcinogenesis, 4-8
October 2003, Pisa, Italy, p. 21.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Panek A., Kalina I., Farmer P., Influence of the PAH on the DNA
Damage Detected in Unexposed and Occupationally Exposed Donors from
Kosice, 2nd AIRNET Annual Conference/NERAM International
Colloquium, Strategies for Clean Air and Health, 5-7 November 2003,
Rome, Italy, p. 37.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Panek A., Pawłyk I., Farmer P., Popov T., Influence of Occupational
Exposure to PAHs on Lymphocytes Susceptibility to the Induction of DNA
(Sampling in Sofia), 2nd AIRNET Annual Conference/NERAM
International Colloquium, Strategies for Clean Air and Health, 5-7
November 2003, Rome, Italy, p. 38.
- Panek
A., Kim J.K., Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Studies of Repair of DNA Damage
Induced by X-rays in Lymphocytes Exposed to Mercury, 4th DNA
Repair Workshop, 2-5 May 2004, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, p. 58.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Wiecheć A., Panek A., Pawłyk I., Binkova B., Sram R.J., Farmer
P.B., The Cellular Susceptibility to the X-rays Induction and Repair
Capacity of the DNA Damage in Lymphocytes of Donors Environmentally
Exposed to PAHs, 4th DNA Repair Workshop, 2-5 May 2004,
Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, p. 61.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Radiation Pollution of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident, NATO
ARW Workshop, 4-12 July 2004, St. Louis, USA.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Panek A., Pawłyk I., Wiecheć A., Binkova B., Sram
R., Kalina I., Popov T., Farmer P., Influence of the Environmental
Exposure to PAHs on the Cellular Susceptibility to the Induction of
Oxidative Type of the DNA Damage, European Congress of Epidemiology,
8-11 September 2004, Porto, Portugal; Journal of Epidemiology &
Community Health V.58, Suppl 1, p. A75-A76.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Zastosowanie promieniowania jonizującego
do badań biomarkerów podatności osobniczej, XIII Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Badań Radiacyjnych
im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie, 13-16 września 2004, Łódź, Poland, p. 36.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska A., Wiecheć
A., Panek A., Pawłyk I., Binkova B., Sram R.J., Farmer P.B., Badania komórkowej podatności na
indukowane promieniowaniem X uszkodzenia DNA oraz wydajności procesów
naprawy w limfocytach dawców eksponowanych na wielopierścieniowe
węglowodory aromatyczne (wwa), XIII Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Badań Radiacyjnych
im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie, 13-16 września 2004, Łódź, Poland, p. 97.
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Wiecheć A., Pawłyk I., Panek A., Binkova B., Šram R.J. , Kalina I.,
Popov T., Farmer P.B Influence of the Environmental Exposure to PAHs on
the Cellular Susceptibility to the Induction of the DNA Damage, AIRNET, 21-23 October 2004, Prague, Czech
- Cebulska-Wasilewska
A., Rachtan J., Rudek Z., Drąg Z., Cytogenetic Damage Detected in
Lymphocytes of Donors from Małopolska
Region in Poland and Cancer Incidence in the Follow up Studies, First
Biennial Central & Eastern European Environmental Health
Conference, International Health Sciences Solving Common Problems,
24-27 October 2004, Prague, Czech Republic.
