» organization
Honorary Committee
Małopolska Vojevodenship Chief of the Vojevodenship: Jerzy Adamik
Ministry of the Environment Secretary of State: Ewa Symonides - Chief Nature Conservator
The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Director: Andrzej Budzanowski
NATO ARW Directors
Prof. Antonina Cebulska-Wasilewska
Dr. Radim Šrám
NATO ARW Scientific Committee
Prof. Diana Anderson
Prof. William Au
Prof. Antonina Cebulska-Wasilewska
Prof. Wiesław Jędrychowski
Prof. Radim Šrám
Dr. Ray Tice
Dr. Errol Zeiger
Organizing Committee of the A.Hollaender Course "Humogef"
Antonina Cebulska-Wasilewska
Wojciech Dyga
Stanisław Krasnowolski
Jolanta Opiela
Agnieszka Panek
Igor Pawłyk
Janusz Swakoń
Anna Wiecheć
The Organizing Committee of NATO ARW and the A. Hollaender Course "Humogef" gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the following organizations:
NATO Science and Technology Programme
Ministry of Environment (www.mos.gov.pl)
National Found of the Environment Protection
The Hollaender Committee of the Environmental Mutagen Society, US
National Institute of Environmental Health, US
Olympus Optical Polska sp. z o.o. (www.olympus.pl)
Rafineria Trzebinia GRUPA ORLEN (www.rafineria-trzebinia.pl)
Biokom (www.biokom.com.pl)
Swingtherm (www.swingtherm.com.pl)
Contract ICA1-CT-2002-60003
Conference and Alexander Hollaender Course "Humogef"
Bureau of the Course
Department of Radiation and Environmental Biology The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics.
31-342 Kraków, ul. Radzikowskiego 152, phone: (48)12 662 83 22, fax; (48)12 662 84 58, Wojciech Dyga, MSc - secretary.
Jolanta Adamczyk, Ewa Bartel, Ewa Kasper, Anna Wierzewska, Joanna Wiltowska
E-mail: Antonina.Cebulska-Wasilewska@ifj.edu.pl, or Wojciech.Dyga@ifj.edu.pl
